Thursday 31 October 2013

[MEATSHIELD] Meet Eric Shang - New Eden's youngest pirate.

The Meatshield Bastards
Meatshield our training corp is starting to bear fruit, our young pilot Eric Shang is only 21 days old (born 2013.10.10) and has been part of the Meatshield for the last 12 days of that officially. We took him straight out of flight school, gave him a skill plan and a few frigates and a pile of ammo.

So far he's 26 for 13 kills, which is pretty impressive. Now whilst you might just say he's tagged along on kills with the Bastards and you'd be right, he's also out there trying to do it alone, so far he's taken down a venture on his own, but here's the first real solo kill a pvp fit rifter, taken down by Eric's Breacher.

So Eric's going to get a shiny medal for his first real solo kill, and I'll see if I can't find something a little more useful from my hanger for him to get exploded too.

He's also started to blog about his adventures, it's a good read for anyone thinking about starting in piracy, you can see it through the eyes of someone fresh into New Eden, rather than just us old guys talking about it.

We're still looking to take new recruits into Meatshield, you don't need to have great skills, or a big killboard, we'll take you out of flight school, and see if you can do better than Eric.

If you want to know more drop by our public channel "Dbastards"

Eric Shang

Wednesday 30 October 2013

[EVEmon] Training Plans - your first months as a Minmatar pilot

TLDR? - Link to Plan

This should take you up to flying an Assault frigate, and Interceptor at a decent level. By the end of this training program you should have the raw SP to get a decent level of bonus/damage out of the hulls. At which point your piloting skill will account for a significant percentage of your chance of winning a fight. 

(Experienced chaps please feel free to suggest improvements)
If you haven't found it already download EVEmon from here: 
Skill plan for Dharvon Vharok

Minmatar Frigate I (13 minutes, 20 seconds)
Small Projectile Turret I (6 minutes, 40 seconds)
Minmatar Frigate II (1 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds)
Small Projectile Turret II (31 minutes, 4 seconds)
Minmatar Frigate III (5 hours, 51 minutes, 13 seconds)
Minmatar Frigate IV (1 day, 9 hours, 6 minutes, 56 seconds)
Small Projectile Turret III (2 hours, 55 minutes, 36 seconds)
Rapid Firing I (13 minutes, 20 seconds)
Rapid Firing II (1 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds)
Rapid Firing III (5 hours, 51 minutes, 13 seconds)
Small Projectile Turret IV (16 hours, 33 minutes, 28 seconds)
Repair Systems II (45 minutes, 41 seconds)
Small Projectile Turret V (3 days, 21 hours, 39 minutes, 52 seconds)
Small Autocannon Specialization I (20 minutes)
Small Autocannon Specialization II (1 hour, 33 minutes, 8 seconds)
Small Autocannon Specialization III (8 hours, 46 minutes, 51 seconds)
Capacitor Management III (12 hours, 54 minutes, 47 seconds)
Capacitor Management IV (3 days, 1 hour, 2 minutes, 56 seconds)
Capacitor Systems Operation IV (1 day, 20 minutes, 58 seconds)
Mechanics IV (1 day, 20 minutes, 58 seconds)
Hull Upgrades IV (2 days, 41 minutes, 57 seconds)
EM Armor Compensation I (19 minutes, 36 seconds)
EM Armor Compensation II (1 hour, 31 minutes, 20 seconds)
EM Armor Compensation III (8 hours, 36 minutes, 30 seconds)
Explosive Armor Compensation I (19 minutes, 36 seconds)
Explosive Armor Compensation II (1 hour, 31 minutes, 20 seconds)
Explosive Armor Compensation III (8 hours, 36 minutes, 30 seconds)
Kinetic Armor Compensation I (19 minutes, 36 seconds)
Kinetic Armor Compensation II (1 hour, 31 minutes, 20 seconds)
Kinetic Armor Compensation III (8 hours, 36 minutes, 30 seconds)
Thermic Armor Compensation I (19 minutes, 36 seconds)
Thermic Armor Compensation II (1 hour, 31 minutes, 20 seconds)
Thermic Armor Compensation III (8 hours, 36 minutes, 30 seconds)
Armor Layering I (29 minutes, 24 seconds)
Armor Layering II (2 hours, 16 minutes, 58 seconds)
Armor Layering III (12 hours, 54 minutes, 47 seconds)
Repair Systems III (4 hours, 18 minutes, 14 seconds)
Shield Management IV (3 days, 1 hour, 2 minutes, 56 seconds)
Shield Operation II (45 minutes, 41 seconds)
Shield Operation III (4 hours, 18 minutes, 14 seconds)
Shield Operation IV (1 day, 20 minutes, 58 seconds)
Shield Upgrades III (8 hours, 36 minutes, 30 seconds)
Shield Upgrades IV (2 days, 41 minutes, 57 seconds)
Tactical Shield Manipulation I (39 minutes, 12 seconds)
Tactical Shield Manipulation II (3 hours, 2 minutes, 37 seconds)
Tactical Shield Manipulation III (17 hours, 13 minutes, 3 seconds)
Repair Systems IV (1 day, 20 minutes, 58 seconds)
Acceleration Control I (32 minutes, 47 seconds)
Acceleration Control II (2 hours, 32 minutes, 41 seconds)
Acceleration Control III (14 hours, 23 minutes, 42 seconds)
Afterburner IV (20 hours, 21 minutes, 28 seconds)
Evasive Maneuvering III (7 hours, 11 minutes, 50 seconds)
Evasive Maneuvering IV (1 day, 16 hours, 42 minutes, 57 seconds)
Fuel Conservation I (16 minutes, 23 seconds)
Fuel Conservation II (1 hour, 16 minutes, 21 seconds)
Fuel Conservation III (7 hours, 11 minutes, 50 seconds)
High Speed Maneuvering II (3 hours, 10 minutes, 53 seconds)
High Speed Maneuvering III (17 hours, 59 minutes, 36 seconds)
High Speed Maneuvering IV (4 days, 5 hours, 47 minutes, 22 seconds)
Navigation IV (20 hours, 21 minutes, 28 seconds)
Warp Drive Operation III (3 hours, 35 minutes, 54 seconds)
Warp Drive Operation IV (20 hours, 21 minutes, 28 seconds)
Warp Drive Operation V (4 days, 19 hours, 9 minutes, 40 seconds)
Missile Launcher Operation I (6 minutes, 40 seconds)
Rockets I (6 minutes, 40 seconds)
Rockets II (31 minutes, 4 seconds)
Rockets III (2 hours, 55 minutes, 36 seconds)
Rockets IV (16 hours, 33 minutes, 28 seconds)
Minmatar Frigate V (7 days, 19 hours, 19 minutes, 44 seconds)
Power Grid Management V (5 days, 17 hours, 44 minutes, 30 seconds)
Mechanics V (5 days, 17 hours, 44 minutes, 30 seconds)
Assault Frigates I (28 minutes, 59 seconds)
Assault Frigates II (2 hours, 14 minutes, 59 seconds)
Assault Frigates III (12 hours, 43 minutes, 33 seconds)
Assault Frigates IV (2 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 25 seconds)
Evasive Maneuvering V (9 days, 14 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds)
Interceptors I (28 minutes, 59 seconds)
Interceptors II (2 hours, 14 minutes, 59 seconds)
Interceptors III (12 hours, 43 minutes, 33 seconds)
Interceptors IV (2 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 25 seconds)

30 unique skills, 80 skill levels; Total time: 78 days, 15 hours, 57 minutes, 34 seconds

Thursday 24 October 2013

Collectors Edition - Is it worth it?

So I received my copy through the post yesterday, and the short answer? Yes I think so. 

The quality of all the contents and packaging is great, the print quality on the book is also great, written largely by Richie Shoemaker from EON fame, it's easy reading, informative, and captures the feel of EVE in the way that only he does. 

The rifter looks good on my desk, only complaint here is that it's a USB hub, I'd have preferred just a resin model, however I may just strip all the bits out and drop it into my fishtank anyway :D 
Read through the rules to the Dangergame, looks like it should be a laugh and not take too long to play though, should give my family something to argue over at Christmas.

The thing I'm most enjoying is the sound track, I'd basically forgotten how good the music in EVE is, after playing for most of the last 6 years with the sound off. And played though a decent audio system you can sit back, close your eyes and feel the space opera in full force.

The in game stuff is pretty cool, lots of bits to clutter up your hanger or sell off and get some isk back, and who doesn't want a golden pod? It's soo shiny I tell you!

Dust stuff.. well I don't play DUST514 so first one to send me a mail in game can have my code for the DUST Stuff, I'll probably regret giving that away if they ever release a PC version. But hey ho. 

You can still get the Collectors Edition here: 

And if your still reading Battleclinic are running a pumpkin competition here, you'll need to enter before the 30th to be in with a chance of winning the top prize.. a 30 day plex and that mystery prize.... whatever could it be?

Wednesday 16 October 2013

[Competition] And now for something totally different...

And now for something totally different....

OK ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of the year again, ghoulies and ghosties and long leggety beasties and things that go bump in the night! The prizes are the same but the task is spookily different!

It's time to slice and dice, to score and core, and bring forth the gord with care.
It's time to show your artistic flair and create something a little different...

So bring forth an EVE themed pumpkin, carved and lit, include the logo so we know it's true!

Photo's should be added/linked to this thread
It must be EVE related... 
Each picture must clearly show The Battleclinic logo, this can be added, carved, written, or shown on your monitor. 
Original Work only - We will image search for obvious fakes
PG Content Only - sorry guys.
Photoshop'd backgrounds allowed. 
No pumpkin? Other food based carvings will be acceptable.

Contest will run until the 30th of October - prizes shortly after!

Top Prize:

1x 30 Day Plex + Mystery Prize!

Runners Up
3x 250m isk